Biochar 2018: Main Stage

This session is described in the Biochar 2018 Conference Agenda as the “Opening Plenary.” The following presentations are considered by the ATIP Foundation to be highly informative and relevant to the TX Biochar Initiative.

  • Robin Morgan (Univ. of Delaware) Opening.pdf This document represents the “Welcoming” slide and also lists the Board of Directors for the US Biochar Initiative (USBI) — a useful list to have.

  • Integrated Watershed Protection & Carbon Link.dlueckenhoff 1.pdf (see below for links to important parts of this KEY presentation). A Keynote address presented by Dominique Lueckenhoff, Acting Director, Water Protection Division of U.S. EPA, Region 3. This is an extraordinary presentation that captures the essence of the challenges we face from “ecological threats” that impact economic downturns, depletion of soils, environmental hazards from conventional fertilizers, and conventional animal waste processing. Biochar is highlighted as a critical element of the “solutions” to these issues in the formation of “smart green corridors.” Due to the size of this presentation and limits to file size on the website, Dr. Lueckenhoff’s presentation is parceled as Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

  • The Water Industry and Biochar Opportunities — Patrick Dube, Water Environment Federation. This presentation focuses on the wastewater industry as entering a new age of innovation and public awareness, and the role that biochar can play in the future.

  • The Chesapeake Bay's Ground Zero - Challenges, Opportunities and Innovation — Representative (PA) David Zimmerman. This presentation highlights the ongoing projects in Lancaster County Pennsylvania as to the role of biochar in the agricultural industries, precision agriculture, public-private partnerships, and the “Smart Green Corridor.”